Clinical Regressive and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is about creating an immersion in your inner universe, surpassing the critical and analytical mind, with the aim of carrying out a process of self-knowledge and self-transformation.
Through these processes, we become aware of our needs, achieving a better understanding of our internal working mechanisms and the dynamics of our emotions, promoting the discovery of the best way to resolve our inner conflicts and develop internal resources capable of dealing with situations, which translates into a process of true self-healing.
For optimum success, commitment is required as well as a collaborative approach between us. You will be an active participant in your process, although you don’t need to necessarily tell me what the problem is for us to start working together, which is very attractive for clients to start as confidence is gained in the method used.
The Transpersonal International™ method sees the person as a whole, body, mind and soul, where the real healer is our consciousness, the guru is us looking at ourselves – and the therapist is a guide in the healing process.
Sessions feel similar to guided meditations, I ask you to lie back with your eyes closed, so you can fully enjoy a deeply relaxing experience, as your mind follows along peacefully.
Why is Hypnotherapy so effective?
Hypnosis is one of the most effective tools for dealing with emotional and physical challenges, especially anxiety, depression among others, in a holistic manner, it can help to enhance the mind/body connection, change habits and activate feelings.
It is possible to access in a very safe and effective way in areas of the subconscious where sometimes resides the biggest blockages that condition your life.
Through hypnotherapy, it is possible to identify and remove those blocks.
Clinical Transpersonal Hypnotherapy sessions are above all relaxing and liberating.
I use the most effective and modern protocols that exist in the world of hypnosis and in a number ranging from 6 to 12 sessions depending on the issues at hand, your problems are either permanently alleviated or significantly better in a short period of time! Click the button to book your session now or call (+971) 554772849.
Did you know that…
“Did you know that according to an analysis published by American Health Magazine, prepared by American psychologist Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.d., the results in patients who underwent different forms of therapy were very surprising.”
Psychoanalysis – 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavioral Therapy – 72% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy – 93% recovery after 6 sessions.