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Mindfulness combined with hypnotherapy aids highly stressed people.

Studies show that a new treatment for stress which combines mindfulness and hypnotherapy has shown positive results.

I have included mindfulness in my hypnotherapy practice from the get go, but it is refreshing to see so much study that has gone into this subject, in so many aspects.

Hypnosis interventions have been used in clinical practice for pain and symptom management. This study’s basic premise is that using hypnosis to deliver mindfulness goals could have many advantages.

This is what researcher Gary Elkins, Ph.D., director of the Mind-Body Medicine Research Laboratory at Baylor University, had to say.

  • Mindfulness is a type of meditation that involves focusing attention on present moment awareness. It can help people cope with stress, but can require months of practice and training.
  • Hypnosis also involves focusing attention, but it includes mental imagery, relaxation and suggestions for symptom reduction.
  • Hypnosis also involves focusing attention, but it includes mental imagery, relaxation and suggestions for symptom reduction.
  • This could be a valuable option for treating anxiety and stress reduction.”


Just so you know:- Mindfulness as an effective treatment for stress and anxiety for some people, it typically is provided in 8 weekly sessions that last 2 hours or more each week and include an all-day retreat of eight or more hours. This amount of time — more than 24 therapy hours — may be a burden in cost and time for some people.


As we all know, hypnotherapy is the safest and fastest way to get results. There is no magic pill as complex human beings we are, we do need to take some time for breakthroughs.


Also, Elkins said research has not shown that mindfulness-based treatments are consistently superior to standard cognitive behavioural therapy.

For this study, of mindful hypnotherapy, individuals with self-reported high stress who part took in the intervention reported : a large decrease in stress and a significant increase in mindfulness. Most were highly satisfied with the number of sessions, the ease of home practice and the clarity of content. The average participant practiced almost every day, and overall satisfaction with the intervention was 8.9 on a scale of 10.

  • The intervention was : 1-hour weekly individual sessions that included hypnosis inductions and suggestions for greater mindfulness. Participants also were given self-hypnosis audio recordings lasting about 20 minutes, each with suggestions for a hypnotic induction, relaxation and greater mindfulness.


  • Intervention material focused on present-moment awareness, non-judgmental awareness of the five senses, non-judgmental awareness of thoughts and feelings, self-hypnosis, compassion for self and others, awareness of personal values and meaning in life and transition to long-term practice of mindful hypnotherapy, Elkins said.

Elkins says that future studies are at plan for testing mindful hypnotherapy for such concerns as anxiety, depression or chronic pain.
